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Benefits of Peer to Peer Training


Often we assume that our training team has all the answers.  Being a trainer myself, there are days I think (or hope) I have all the answers.  Although there is a lot that every trainer brings to the team, sometimes we get the best feedback from fellow reps who are in the day to day trenches.  This week, our team did peer to peer "cross training."  During cross training week, the training department designates each BDR to partner up with a fellow BDR and listen to an hour of each other's calls.  Their call to action is a recap of three "learning points" from their peers approach and messaging. 

Here is why this approach to training adds value:
With peer to peer training, you can essentially "kill two birds with one stone."  As a trainer, I want to spend individual time with all of my reps.  Some weeks permit time for this and some weeks it is virtually impossible without cloning myself.  It is a good idea to use the knowledge of fellow BDRs and engage them in the process. There is a whole team of individual skill sets that are important to share with the whole company.

Pairing peers up randomly (or thoughtfully) can have a very positive impact on the team.  This helps to build team camaraderie and make the day that much more exciting for your reps.  While it is always exciting to hear your reps exchange new ideas and tips, it is exciting fun for them to be a trainer for the day.  It can be a real confidence booster for your reps to know how much you value their hard work and skill set. I encourage you to try this with your team and let me know how it goes.

How do you utilize peer training?

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