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Sales Prospecting Perspectives Week of December 6th



Hi Everyone! Welcome to another Weekly Recap!Pete Gracey Voted one of the most 50 influencial people in Sales Management

We have some exciting news this week. As you can see from the image here, Peter Gracey was chosen as one of the 50 most influential people on this year’s SLMA 50’s Most Influential List! Congrats to Pete, and all the other folks who made the list this year!

I also found a great blog this week by Ardath Albee in her blog Are You Letting the Competition Drive Your Marketing? she offers some great points on how you should be thinking when it comes to putting together new messaging for your services.

Monday December 6th

Know Your Prospect, Better Yet Know Who Your Prospect Reports To! – Nicole Puddester put together a great blog that addresses the importance of making sure your messaging is appropriate for your prospect but also keeping in mind the benefits of the solution that will appeal to who they report to.  

“While there is absolutely a process that needs to be followed in order for teleprospecting campaign to be successful, it is important to remember that process alone will not always be enough to ensure you achieve your desired results.  Make sure you understand the specific benefit points about your solution and message it appropriately to the right prospect.”

Tuesday December 7th

5 Things Your Inside Sales Reports Should Provide – Craig Ferrara’s blog this week discusses how Inside Sales can further bridge the gap between Sales and Marketing.

“What we've found is that the only way to get everyone on the same page is to provide reports that offer a graphic representation what we’re experiencing being on the front lines of the sales process. As a result, marketing is happy because they have a thorough understanding of the inside team’s progress on their campaigns. While the sales rep can get a much better sense of the effort it takes to uncover and arrange a sales meeting with their target prospects.”

Thursday December 9th

Make Sure You Ask Why While Teleprospecting - Chris Lang explains the basic "Why as why?" question. As you're making your dials it becomes a very important question to ask.

"In an email someone can respond to you simply by saying unsubscribe. In a webinar you have the people that attend and then the ones that don’t. In a survey prospects are limited to giving feedback only on the questions asked and it’s usually a pretty short answer. One of the benefits of cold calling is that you have active conversations. When someone says no, you have the ability to counter, “why?” “Why” is a very powerful question and the answer to “why” should be studied to get a better understanding of your marketplace and how to attack it."

That wraps it up for us! I hope you enjoyed them! Keep an eye out for more great blogs next week!


Thanks for including me in your Weekly Recap! I'm glad you enjoyed the post. 
Posted @ Friday, December 10, 2023 5:42 PM by Ardath Albee
You are most welcome!
Posted @ Monday, December 13, 2023 8:21 AM by Michelle Lamb
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