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3 Tips From The Front Lines On How To Get More Sales Leads


We always look to “experts” to solve our problems. There are even “experts” out there that don’t have much if any real life experience in their particular field of expertise. It’s comparable to someone without a license reading a book about muscle cars telling me that I’m not properly shifting my 67 Corvette Stingray. (I don’t own a Stingray) While the “experts” certainly have their knowledge, I think we should pay more attention to the people that actually do the work in the field and do it well. We should talk to the people that actually drive a Stingray. (once again, not me, just trying to sound manly)

With this in mind I thought it would be good to ask the opinions of the people that are in the line of fire everyday. What do the AG inside sales reps think our readers should do to increase lead volume?

Steve G: “I find out what pains/needs the prospect has and explain my role as being on the front end. I explain that the specialist/rep can both discuss how our solution can integrate into their environment in detail and assist them with XYZ problems.

A good rep should know when to get off the phone. It is well documented that a lot of reps jump off the phone prematurely so that they don’t lose the lead. What Steve G points out is that staying on the phone too long is also dangerous. Let the outside sales rep handle the sales calls. Train your reps to get in, get all BANT information and then get out. Staying on the phone for 30 minutes with a prospect is about 15 minutes too long.

Mike D: “To produce more leads, try and schedule some time on the prospect’s calendar for a conversation with sales. Get the time first and try to qualify them out. Most prospects are willing to answer qualification questions once time has been set aside. After getting a time I say ‘To make the best use of your time would you mind answering a few questions?’  In my experiences this usually works very well.

Answering questions for an inside rep is viewed as something that you do to assist the sales rep. By getting the time booked first Mike is able to reframe the questions as something the prospect should answer to help make best use of their time. They are much more likely to answer you if the information will benefit them.

Steve W: “I let them (the prospect) know the reason for my call upfront without beating around the bush and let them tell me what’s going on.  From there I lead them to where I want them to go.

Have a predetermined end goal. Get the prospect talking and based on what they are saying you can ask certain questions that will lead them in the direction you want them go. A lot of reps declare their opinion to a prospect. If your opinion differs from the prospect’s you have immediately created a stand off. Rather than declaring what you think the prospect should do, use small questions that lead them to eventually draw the same conclusion on their own. You’re much more likely to get them to talk to your sales rep if they decide they should rather than you trying to talk them into it.

We’ve learned a few things in this blog. First, we have a lot of Steves at AG Salesworks. Second, our employees are little schemers. Third, inside sales reps have a lot of tricks that their coworkers should know about. I suggest having your reps share these ideas with each other and promote continuous improvement. One good tip could increase your lead number significantly!


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