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The Importance Of Leveraging Your Inside Sales Data To Reflect ROI

Today during the Operations meeting we highlighted ways to make our business better, more effective and provide the most value we can to our customers. This train of thought is business as usual, and I always leave with a couple of things that stick with me until the next meeting. So today, I left with the concept of “if it’s ain’t broke, don’t fix it”. We always discuss ways we can perfect communication and go back and forth on things that are working and things that are not. I personally pride myself on the program metrics we send to our clients and the information that comes across. The feedback we get is generally really positive and I never think too much about it. In this instance, I didn’t think much of reporting going into the meeting.

When I left today’s meeting and really had a chance to wonder why I was mildly defensive at the thought of “altering” the reports, I realize now that its because I never thought of them as being flawed. (“The reports are fine why change them!?”) Flawed or not, the business we do here at AG captures data that is used by all different points of contacts on the other side of the fence. When I think about the data I report on, I think of it as being a valuable tool for my point of contact. I think about it being used by the outside sales reps and maybe the Marketing contact and that’s about it. I didn’t even think about the person that signed the tele-prospecting business agreement with AG, and what the value was to them in our contract or about the quarterly meetings that need to occur to keep our relationship active, and how the data I send across is moved up the food chain.
I soon realized that because the reports I generate hold so much value, they need to be captured for all parties involved in order for everyone to know and understand how we provide value to our clients.

When it comes time for our clients to sit down and have a discussion on the value of AG, I like to make sure that we have captured reports for all parties involved in order for them to have full visibility to the success of the program. Everyone needs to have the metrics that are relative to them in order to have an informed conversation about the effectiveness of lead generation. Often they have a data snap shot of the activity we have generated, the connections we have made, the interested accounts, the not interested accounts and the qualified opportunities we have passed. As valuable as this information is, what about the success of certain verticals and campaigns we ran? Or metrics around which campaigns converted better than others. Its worth while to realize the reports are not broken, but they can and should be catered to what all the parties concerned want to know. The data we generate is the power behind our services. The more we as inside sales team managers recognize how the data can used for our clients/team, the more we can improve on providing what’s relative to them. The hard work is done on our end; it’s our job to present it early and consistently to provide the ROI in our teams efforts.

What are some ways you measure the success of your programs? How are you using that data to show your clients your ROI?


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