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How To Avoid Being A "Micro/Macro" Manager To Your Sales Reps


Most of us would never openly admit they we enjoy micromanaging our sales reps, let alone being micromanaged by our boss. It seems that as managers this is something we can easily slip into. I don’t care who you are, but even if your employee “says” they appreciate your constant attention I have a hard time believing they’re being entirely honest.  

Though everyone may require a little support on a occasion, before we know it we can start walking that fine line between being there for our employees to acting like that "psychotic-ex" where we lose sight of the fact that we’re over-managing.

On the other side of the coin, we can run into the issue of allowing our people to be a little too self-reliant. (AKA "macromanaging") In a case like this, typically we’ll give them every tool to be successful and allow them to incorporate their own spin on how to attack the job. The problem is, we run the risk of being viewed as a lazy manager who isn’t willing to put the necessary time into supporting our staff.  

So the question is: How do we balance this?

Here are a few things I recommend focusing on consistently with your team to avoid being viewed as a micro or macro manager: 

1.) Set weekly strategy sessions: This is a good opportunity to have a little give and take regarding your focus for the week. It is also an opportunity to collectively work toward maintaining their pace or make that course correction if necessary.  

2.) Ask them what they need you to do? : Everyone on the team needs to accept some accountability, right?  If the effort is there, maybe it’s time you ask those people where THEY think YOU can help. This should primarily go for the folks you know are genuinely trying to make it happen. We all need to put ego aside on occasion and accept some blame if necessary in order to get to the root of the problem.

3.) Reinforcing the right behavior:  Micromanaging generally seem to always focus on the bad result. Nitpicking isn’t a great motivator. While it is imperative to address negative behavior, I feel it is important to offset that by reinforcing the right behavior. Good performance should not go unnoticed.

4.)Be accessible in good times and bad: No one likes the manager that’s "up in your grill" when you’re struggling. At the same time, no one likes the manager who is rarely available to answer questions because they “trust” you will be able to find out on your own. Your accessibility should be consistent for all employees regardless of their performance at the moment.

Everyone needs a different level of management the trick is to figure out what works best for both of you.


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