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Sales Prospecting Perspectives Weekly Recap - Week of May 30th


Happy Friday Everyone! 

It was a short week for us this week, but none the less we stayed busy. Before I get into highlighting out blogs, I wanted to point out one that I found this week, that I felt was worth mentioning. What Does Your Customer Really Value by Mark Hunter was great as it really points out the importance of REALLY listening to what your prosepcts wants and needs are. When doing what we do everyday it's easy to fall into rythem and just assume that you know what they are looking for. But taking a step back and really hearing what they are asking for will really help your sales conversation go in a much more positive direction. 

Wednesday June 1st

Positive Thinking Leads To Positive Sales Success - In his blog this week Craig Ferrara discusses a great life and career lesson that he learned from his grandfather. It's so easy to get into a negative funk when sales isn't going your way but here he discusses how remaining positive can really help turn things around. 

"Being around negative engergy at any job will no doubt make the days drag on forever. We all can have legitamate things to worry and complain about, but we need to recognize that there are only so many things that are under our control. Focus on controling the things that you can control, and try your best to roll with the things that can potentially bring you down." 

Thursday June 2nd

Avoid Being A FrankeRep While Teleprospecting -  Pete Gracey put together a great blog this week as he discusses how avoid being what he calls a "FrankenRep". 

"While I truly appreciate a great outbound effort, there is one type of teleprospector I simply cannot tolerate. The FrankenRep. FrankenReps are the soulless amalgamation of the worst parts of every bad teleprospector to ever live. The FrankenRep tries to be 4 to 5 different styles of teleprospector on each call. They'll confuse you, offend you, intrigue you, and eventually dramatically disappoint you."

3 Things To Avoid While Teleprospecting - Chris Lang continued the theme of things that inside sales reps should avoid in his post.

"That being said, a bad cold caller can be an infuriating experience for the listener and ruin your chances of getting a lead. Here are a couple of things to avoid when making cold calls, as brought to you by some of our inside reps."

Well that wraps it up for this week! Please be sure to tell us your thoughts on our perspectives! Have a great weekend!  


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