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Make Marketing Automation Part Of Your Sales Call Plan


By now, the overwhelmingly majority of us use some sort of Marketing Automation tool to get our message out to the masses. The value of these solutions, when used properly, is immeasurable.  However, many of the Marketers that we work with only use their Eloqua, Marketo, ACTOn etc. to get their broad based message out to a very large scale audience. 

What about your teleprospecting reps????

Mass emailing, nurturing, scoring, scrubbing!!!  These are all words that teleprospectors love.  The problem is that few organizations take the time to integrate their marketing automation tools into their call plan.  The "Call Plan" as we define it at AG is a statistically based and proven mix of outbound calls, voicemails and emails we use to manage our day.  The disposition stage of the prospect within our teleprospecting life cycle determines what that mix is.  It's a great tool for managing daily activity, but much of it can be automated.  

The goal for any teleprospecting manager is to have their people on the phones more while doing as little manual labor as possible (sending emails). Take your call plan and determine the points at which an administrative task must occur as a result of a prospects behavior.  If any of those tasks involve an email being sent...automate it!!  Our call plan can call for as many as 12 outbound emails to a target company in the first 2 weeks of prospecting.  Every email you send via your automation adds two outbound dials to your reps day.  Extrapolate those figures out over the course of weeks and months and you are realizing substantial productivity increases.  And the beauty of it all is that you'll be doing it with the help of a solution that you are already paying for.  No increased cost!

We've done this successfully here at AG and I'm happy to speak in more detail with any Inside Sales Managers out there that are looking to do the same.


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