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Sales Prospecting Perspectives Weekly Recap - Week of June 27th


Happy Friday Everyone!

I can't believe that 4th of July festivities are already upon us! This summer is going by WAY too fast! Luckily, I have the perfect thing for your relaxing, long weekend. A quick recap to catch you up on all of our great posts this week! Additionally, I combed the Internet to find an interesting blog that I want to highlight. Kelley Robertson put together a wonderful piece entitled "Call Me Next Week". Kelley describes a situation we've all experienced. You get someone on the phone (finally!) and the conversation is going great then they tell you "send me info and follow up next week..." and of course when you do reach out...they're MIA. His solution is a perfect way to get around this common setback. It's a method that I actually used myself and it really does work, so check out his post. Great advice, Kelley! 

Monday June 27th 

So Many Sales Prospects To Contact And So Little Time... - Laney had a great entry this week as she discusses how to efficiently manage your list of accounts to prospect into. 

"While it can be overwhelming at first, it’s important to step back and think about how to approach the lists you have been provided with instead of simply sending them over to your rep(s) to dive into without providing any structure. With the help of our clients and based on our past experience, we’ve been able to come up with a plan that will allow us to prospect into all of these accounts in a short timeframe."

Tuesday June 28th

Inside Sales Reps Do Not Have To Be Solution Exeperts... - In his piece this week, Craig discusses a different approach that we've used when training our new inside sales reps. 

" is vital you know the ins and outs of your service offering, but is it still possible to have a healthy sales conversation without memorizing a 50 page presentation. Before we put  any rep on the phone nowadays our expectation at the very least is that they have a working knowledge of the technology in order to have a back and forth conversation."

Wednesday June 29th 

New England Weather: Great Preparation For Sales Success - In this week's post, Jill Ryan details how learning to survive the tough New England weather has helped us to achieve success in sales.

"When I think about my life as a New Englander, I think about the April blizzard of 96’, missing countless days of school for 50+ inches of snow, driving to UMass and watching the leaves change along the Mass Pike and feeling the “ah ha moment” of sitting on a beach. These feelings are sort of like sales. You give give and give…shoveling, salting, and raking, and after the work is done you let out a long sigh. At AG, we are familiar with what it takes to be a New Englander, but also what it takes to be in this business."

Well, there you have it for this week! Have a happy and safe 4th everyone! See you next week!


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