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Sales Prospecting Perspectives Weekly Recap - Week of July 18th


Happy Friday Everyone! 

I hope you're all keeping cool in this insane heat!! We touched on some great topics this week that includes avoiding getting the "just send info" brush off, how to maintain lead momentum in the summer, and also a great piece written by our CEO Paul Alves! 

For my weekly blog highlight I wanted to highlight 16 Principles of Influence in Sales by Mike Shultz. I enjoyed this piece because it reminded me of myself in that I'm not a natural "convincer". So when I started at AG, I took the time to listen and learn from my supervisors and peers to find out how to succeed as an inside sales rep. He does a great job in offering a high level overview on what influences prospects in purchasing, which allows you to see which areas you need to focus on to excel. Great job Mike! 

Monday July 18th

Don't Give In To The "Just Send Info" Teleprospecting Response - Nicole put together a great piece regarding the "just send info" response you get when prospecting. Sometimes that response is great, but more often than not it's a response you get from those who just want to get you off the phone. Here she offers some great points on how to work your way around this obsticle when prospecting. 

"When cold calling, it can be difficult to cut down information that “may or may not” be pertinent to your prospect’s needs. Make sure you're asking the right questions and going through the qualifying process in order to determine whether they're just looking to get rid of you, or if they really are looking to alleviate pains they are experiencing."

Wednesday July 20th 

Dealing With The Summertime Doldrums Of Cold Calling - Craig Ferrara found a great blog this week that he wanted to highlight titled The Dog Days of Summer Prospecting by Elise Segar. It's a topic that he's touched on in the past and something that we all face with our prospecting efforts in the summer months. Here they both offer insight on why these months can still be profitable from a lead stand point. 

"The summah' is here and it’s time you resign yourself to the fact that your standard approach to prospecting may need a few extra tweaks. If it’s incorporating some the suggestions from Elise along with tips I’ve recommended in the past, it’s time you begin executing on our summer prospecting plan."

Thursday July 21st

Passing Sales Leads: Not As Easy As You Think - Our CEO Paul Alves put together a great piece as he discusses the next steps after receiving a lead from your marketing team.

"With the amount of effort and investment necessary to build a best in class marketing and sales process, marginal improvement won’t cut it. The good news, it does not have to. You can dramatically improve your sales by simply paying close attention to not only the lead development process, but to the passing and transition process."

That wraps it up for this week! Stay cool everyone, and see you next week! 


Referencing the 'Just Send Info,' the best method my company has found to send the right info to the right prospect has been by pairing qualifying questions with a sales enablement tool. We decided to trial SalesKB because it allowed us to not only segment our sales tools by persona , but by other dimensions as well (stage of sales cycle, industry, etc.). It even integrates with to track all the tools we've sent to prospects.
Posted @ Wednesday, July 27, 2023 3:52 PM by Cindy
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