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It's Holiday Time: Embrace and Plan For It In Your Teleprospecting


It’s December 1st, what’s more predictable then a holiday inspired blog. Some are playing Christmas music from their cubes, people are traveling and leaving early for family gatherings and your Company is probably leaving early at one point for their own Holiday get together. Everyone is really excited for the Holidays and the New Year and somehow you feel like your business is in a crisis.  How will we ever overcome! Bah Humbug!Embrace the holidays in your teleprospecting

WRONG.  This is my 3rd December at AG Salesworks and I can say with confidence that this month is one of our most successful months for teleprospecting of the entire year. Last year, December was my most successful month in terms of lead volume as a BDR and I still found the time to have a blast at the Company party and enjoyed myself all month long. It’s the mind set that determines this month’s performance. I am a firm believer in Company culture. If you are an avid reader of the AG Blog, it’s evident that we have a great time and also work hard. Having a Company Christmas Tree up, Holiday contests and leniency with time off doesn’t get in the way of our numbers, it helps them.

Some key things our inside sales reps keep in mind entering this month:

Time management:  It is really important to look at this month as a whole and figure out how much time you will be taking off and make a plan to compensate for this today. Think about the importance of daily goals. For most, that’s increasing activity. Adding another 15-20 dials a day to boost your connect rate and get you talking to more people.

Be aggressive: When having quality conversations, push yourself to actively listen and ask good follow up questions. When you have a prospect live during this month and you are qualifying them, get on their calendar. Secure follow ups when ever they are available and relate to their situation. For example “It sounds like you have an apparent need to evaluate XYZ. I understand that the Holiday’s are hectic. What I was hoping we could do today is put something on the calendar for Jan 4th so my sales rep can follow up on this conversation.” If they suggest time in December, all the better, but get in the habit of tightening your process and always having a calendar invitation accepted during the holidays.

Be happy: Be relaxed and smile! As old as the phrase “you can hear a smile over the phone” is, it’s true. Tailor your emails, remember to say Happy Holidays and personalize your messaging. If you have warm follow ups, talk about the holidays with them and relate to their busy schedules. Wish them a Happy Holiday and a Happy New Year and be positive.

Be incented: Set personal goals for yourself. You are financially incented to exceed your goals and this is a great month to do so. Go shopping, attend some parties and have a great time, but don’t let these distractions take you away from focusing on your goals. Avoid taking that extra break, work smarter and don’t waste days on countless emails and voicemails. Work your way around organizations and talk to more people. Don’t hang up the phone until you have talked to a human and are working your way to speaking with the best person. If you are struggling, ask for some help. This is a great month to ask your management for help, work on your messaging and push yourself to exceed your goal early on in the month.  Having a good time in the holidays can be a financial burden, reward yourself through hard work and elevate the stress.

A couple of strands of Christmas lights and more music are not going to make or break a strong December. It’s natural to be happy around the holidays, embrace it in your office. Make everyday count, be conscious of the days you are working and truly work smart on those days. Keep the spirits up around the office and manage your team. Ending the year strong is something we all can achieve. No Bah Humbug, have fun doing so. 


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