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Inside Sales Reps: It Is All About A Positive Attitude!


Earlier this week, Craig Ferrara wrote a blog talking about how to prevent cold calling burn-out.  It has been mentioned in more than a few blogs how the culture here at AG is really unique.  Avoiding that “burnt- out” feeling has a lot to do with the people around you.  There are certainly days where this job starts to wear you down and you start to think that you can only hear “no” so many times.  As Craig stated in his blog, “cold calling is what you make it” and that starts with a positive attitude.elevator

I learned a very important lesson about always remembering to try and make the best out of any situation.  This past weekend I had family and friends visiting Boston to take in the sights and enjoy some quality time together.  After visiting the top of one of Boston’s tallest buildings the seven of us made our way to the elevators to make our decent back to the street level.  What happened next was some people’s worst nightmare; just two floors into our descent and we came to a halt.

We did not emerge from that elevator until over an hour later.   Now as a group we could have dealt with this situation a variety of ways.  We could have gotten aggravated and frustrated with each other and complained about how hot it was or gotten impatient but instead we made the best of it, cracked a couple jokes, and came out with a good story.  The lovely gentleman in security informed us via intercom that we were the most entertaining groups that had been stuck. 

It’s the same here at AG, you can either get negative when you have an off day or you can remember that you are surrounded by a group of people who have felt the same at one point or another as an inside sales rep.  So instead, crack a joke, enjoy the people around you and remember that in sales, sometimes you’re up and sometimes you’re down (much like an elevator….see what I did there?) and with patience and a positive attitude everything will be running smoothly in no time.


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