Are You Cultivating Your Inside Sales Teams Success?
Being a small company, every single person we have working in our organization has, at one point, experienced the glory of the cold calling trenches. We have a full understanding of how much of a grind it can be on certain days. As a result, we also have to understand what it takes to keep our folks engaged.
We recognize the obvious benefits of a solid compensation plan, fun sales contests and Thursday night beer with work pals. But ultimately what does it take to keep your team energized in what they do every day?
I recently read an interesting article that discussed the questions we should be asking ourselves to keep our employees engaged. What really hit home for me was how the average manager can easily get caught up in executive meetings, their door closed all day, eliminating the opportunity to truly engage with their employees. Learning how much your employees enjoy their current projects, brainstorming on ideas or new approaches, and discovering other employee skillsets/interests to be utilized by your organization can be extremely beneficial and critical. Sure, this could be something discussed during an annual review, but shouldn’t it happen much more often than that?
It is easy to get stuck in back-to-back meetings day after day. Make it a point to carve out time and catch up with your team regularly on what they’re thinking. Make these “must have” conversations rather than some fluffy 5 minute discussion you have between meetings.