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Beer Night And The Power Of A Great Corporate Culture

Every Thursday is call blitz day, where we challenge the team to increase their outbound call volume by 50%. We buy lunch and treat everyone to a cold beer after work to reward a tough day in the cold calling trenches. Unfortunately, I am not able to make many of them due to a long commute and my two sons busy after school schedules. This past Thursday, I was able to make it, and what a reception I received! I arrived at our usual spot to be greeted by cheers from about 20-30 of AG’s best and brightest. Beer Night

Wow, and I had yet to pull out my credit card! It was clear the team was having fun this evening, but just as clear they were having fun in their job. As I observed conversations and chatted with the group it was apparent everyone really enjoyed the company of their peers.

It has always been our philosophy at AG to foster a work environment which promotes a culture of excellence while having fun. We hire smart, driven people who we could see ourselves having a beer with, someone that you might hang out with given the choice. This past Thursday’s beer night was proof positive that we have achieved our goal in the corporate culture department.

This kind of energy and enthusiasm is more powerful than even the best product or service. It’s that little extra, the X factor that can not be achieved through comp plans and spreadsheets alone. Happy employees are productive employees, productive employees ensure customers receive value, customers that receive value stay around and tell their peers. You get where I’m going with this.

It’s about creating a work environment where people don’t mind coming to work, I’m tempted to say like to come to work, but maybe that’s a stretch. After all I’ve already convinced myself everyone was cheering for me and not my credit card upon arriving at the pub last Thursday!

Great companies have great cultures. Companies with great cultures are more fun. Having a beer is more fun than working macros in a spreadsheet, and spending time with your team over a beer might just make the bottom line on the spreadsheets look healthier in the end.

This round is on me!


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