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Cancer Sucks So Let's Do Something About It


The AG team impresses me every day with the amazing work they do for our customers, uncovering and delivering qualified opportunities.  But yesterday they took my respect to a whole new level.  They stayed late, and made additional calls to help the Dana Farber Institute raise money to fight cancer.Charity Inside Sales Donations 6 7 Paul

In an hour and a half, team AG raised just under $6000 to help a 7 year old boy named Carlos in his fight against brain cancer.

The energy was unbelievable as the team's competitive spirit kicked in, people waving slips of paper with pledges, the noise level rose, and the excitement was contagious.

Our friend Trish Bertuzzi, President & Chief Strategist at The Bridge Group, organized the event along with HubSpot.  We were thrilled to have the opportunity to help.  Below is a note from Trish.

What an amazing team you have. I am nothing if not motivated to share with the world the generous spirit and the sense of team that your organization has created. Thanks so much for the opportunity to be a part of the event today. It was my pleasure!

Send everyone my regards, my respect and tell them I look forward to the next time!

Trish Bertuzzi
President & Chief Strategist | The Bridge Group, Inc
Build. Expand. Optimize. Sales Strategies
Direct: 978.562.2623

Unfortunately, the chances you have been touched by cancer in some way are quite high. My mother passed away 6 years ago from lung cancer at 64.

To see a group of young people step up after a long day of cold calling to make more cold calls for such an important charity was truly humbling.  

Thanks so much to everyone involved.  People like you make the world a better place.


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