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Don't Try To Reinvent The Wheel


It has never been my philosophy to “do it myself”.  If I’m not an expert at something I would just assume hire an expert to do it for me.  Probably why car washes and quick oil change companies exist and thrive. While I can do either, I don’t really want to and would prefer not to waste my time and energy trying.  In the end I just don’t believe I come out ahead doing it myself.  Maybe it costs me a few extra bucks to have someone else do it, but the time saved can be used for something fun or working my day job, at which I probably earn more during the time I saved than I spent on letting the experts help.  Everyone wins, I don’t have to do something I don’t want to do, and can’t do as well, and the expert I hire gets the opportunity to create a happy long term customer.Partners, Sales, Business Success, 6 20 Paul

We bring this same philosophy to our work at AG Salesworks. While we are the best at identifying and delivering fully qualified sales opportunities to technology companies, we are not expert in list development for example.  Recently, we announced a partnership with NetProspex, realizing it is critical to begin any telemarketing campaign with quality data.  Calling a list which is too small or inaccurate is a recipe for disaster, however we have found over ten years and 300+ engagements that most companies do not invest in this critical area.  Over the years we have worked to create accurate databases of sufficient size to ensure our clients success, but always thought there was a better way. Today we formalized and kicked off a partnership which provides our customers with the best possible data enabling our Business Development Reps to be as effective as they can be without wasting time calling in to an inaccurate list.  We developed a better way. Could we have spent the time effort and energy to develop a list development process better than the one we used previously?  Sure.  But that is not and will never be our core competency.  

For the very same reason our customers outsource the teleprospecting function to AG Salesworks, it is our strategy to use best in class partners to bring our customers a team of partners managed under the AG umbrella that ensures results far beyond others that choose to be everything to everybody.

It’s difficult enough to be great at one thing, trying to be great at many things simply dilutes focus.  I don’t know about you, but I take hitting my revenue goals very seriously. We have many customers and employees counting on us.  I want to be sure I have every base covered and covered by the best, whether that be internally or externally.  Only experts need apply.



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