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Sales Prospecting Perspectives Weekly Recap, June 18, 2023


It has been a b-e-a-utiful weekend here in New England, and as we all prepare for the coming work week, here is a chance to catch up on some blogs you may have missed last week.  

First I wanted to start off by sharing a blog I happened upon this week that I thought was very well written and informative on cold calling.   Geoffrey James has covered the subject of cold calling in the past and in this post on, Geoffrey wanted to share a cold calling script from Keith Rosen, author of The Complete Idiot's Guide to Cold-Calling. It’s a great post for any persons involved in sales to read, as it breaks down the script and explains why you should be careful of what you say and how you say it.  My favorite part of the post, though, is at the end when it talks about not just reading the script, but having it flow naturally and the importance of remembering to have a “conversation” with your prospect. 

I hope you enjoy last week’s recap and get a chance to share anything you liked.

Monday, June 18, 2023

We started off the week with a great post from one of our Directors of Operations, Laney Pilpel.  In It’s Ok To Be A Stage Five Clinger When It Comes To Inside Sales Laney makes reference to the movie “Wedding Crashers” in which one of the characters needs to leave the reception immediately as the girl he met at the wedding became excessively attached quite early on in the relationship.  She used this analogy to describe the difficulty of getting interested prospects back on the phone and offered four great tips to get the conversations flowing again:  try using a different phone number, utilize the prospects assistant to find out more details, send the prospect a calendar invite, and be more resourceful and pull in more contacts from that organization. 

Tuesday, June 19, 2023

Tuesday announced the long awaited return to blogging from Manager of Client Operations Michael Ricciardelli. His post Window Shoppers vs. Tire Kickers describes these types of prospects, as I’m sure anyone in inside sales realizes, we run into all the time.  The “Tire Kickers” are the ones to be leery of, warns Mike, as chances are they are least likely to interested in buying and generally have no need or urgency.  They may not have the money or the authority and will lead to the sales reps wasting their time and lost production/pipeline.  Meanwhile the “Window Shopper” is a prospect that must be respected and nurtured.  Typically, they are very thorough and have a well thought out plan of approach, which may include speaking with multiple of your competitors.  With a properly timed approach, this prospect could very well turn into a customer/client.

Wednesday, June 20, 2023     

Wednesday was a big day for us at AGSalesworks as we announced our partnership with Netprospex.  Paul used this opportunity to discuss the importance of partnering with organizations who are experts in their field in his blog Don’t Try To Reinvent The Wheel.  Paul discusses the difficulty in trying to be great at one thing, let alone attempting to be great at multiple areas, and that this dilutes your focus and production.  Focus on what you do best, and partner with experts for other areas of your business for a successful venture.

Friday, June 22, 2023

We ended the week with a great post from one of our Business Development Representatives on the power of using Facebook.  In her post Corporate Culture: To Facebook or Not To Facebook Liz discusses the value of using Facebook as an avenue to promote your corporate culture, have some fun, and still generate inbound leads for your marketing department.  It has increased our web traffic and generates opportunities for our organization and you are missing the bus if you don’t utilize Facebook in your marketing campaigns.

Thanks for taking a few moments to read and share our content.  I hope you enjoyed our little recap of last week’s blogs, now it's time to get back to work.

Hope you enjoyed the weekend! 


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