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Sales Prospecting Perspective Weekly Recap - Week of October 22, 2023


Before recapping our blogs from last week, I wanted to highlight a quick read I ran across this week on B2BLeadBlog recarding the 2012 MarketingSherpa Lead Generation Benchmark Report.  The two highlighted survey results were regarding lead generation tactics and the level of effectiveness of the surveyed tactics. It wasn't surprising to see that 81% of the 1,900 marketers surveyed use email marketing in their lead generation strategy, but it was great to see is that Social Media came in with the third highest number of votes with 72%.  In regards to effectiveness though, only 63% of marketers found social media either very or somewhat effective and 88% found email marketing effective.  Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Website Optimization also had high marks in regards to effectiveness with 88% and 87% respectively finding those tactics to be either very or somewhat effective. Lead Generation, Lead Qualification

Now, on to the recap. 

Wednesday, October 24, 2023   

We had a great post from Laney discussing a topic that a lot of organizations take for granted which is maintenance and contract renewals.  In her post Is Your Sales Team Making The Most Out Of Your Contract Renewals? she identifies two questions your organization should by asking when evaluating this subject: who is going to own the task of renewals and how are you going to follow up?  Without having an optimized process in place, organizations are failing to capitalize on a revenue stream that should be easy to maintain. Whether you dedicate an inside sales team with the task or you outsource the responsibility, make sure you are maximizing these opportunities within your organization. 

Thursday, October 25, 2023


Thursday's post from Mike Ricciardelli discussed a topic that coincides with the MarketingSherpa report I mentioned above.  His post Incorporating An Effective Email Automation Strategy Mike reviews some of the benefits that go along with implementing an automated email strategy.  The ability to reach more prospects in a shorter amount of time and drive more traffic to marketing events such as webinars and tradeshows are just two of the many benefits organizations see when using email automation. Mike also suggest a few tips to increase you campaigns effectiveness such as not being "salesy" in your email subject line, utilizing referral emails for non-targeted lists, and avoid launching major email campaigns on Monday's and Friday's if you want a higher open rate. 

Friday, October 26, 2023   

On Friday I wrote a post that was inspired from last weeks Inbound Marketing Summit held at the Hynes Convention Center here in Boston, Ma. There were some great sessions and a lot of good takeways from the event. I disucssed a few of the takeways in my post Best Practice For Maximizing Marketing Qualified Leads From Your Inbound Marketing Campaigns. Two of the surprising stats I walked away from the conference shaking my head at were that 43% of organizations do not follow up on all their inbound leads and approximately 70% of organizations do not follow up properly with there inbound leads; meaning they only put in one call and one email to the prospect before discarding the opportunity. What these show is the value your organizaiton should place on a qualifecation process to follow up on inbound leads generated. To really increase the ROI of your marketing campaigns, having a teleprospecting team, whether your own inside sales team or an outsourced parnter, dedicated to follow up on your leads will increase sales pipeline almost 50% over not having a optimized qualification process in place. 

Thanks for reading this weeks recap and we look forward to providing more informative blog posts for you this week. 



sales blogs, prospecting perspectives


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