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The Outbounding Index: How Does Your B2B Prospecting Stack Up?


In December of last year I approached Matt Bertuzzi of The Bridge Group, Inc with an offer. I’d hand over the keys to our massive database of real, active, and standardized CRM data if he could do one thing for me. Could he find a way to make it useful.  Well, after many months of hand wringing, iterations, verbal altercations, and math, Matt has done just that.  Enter the Outbound Index.Outbound Index Vol 1 thumbnail April, B2B Sales Prospecting

The Outbound Index leverages the consistency of process, talent, and horsepower of AG Salesworks Cohort of Business Development Reps and the Sales analytics prowess of The Bridge Group to produce an accurate and usable benchmark for Outbound activity.  

The spirit of the Outbound Index is to be informative and also functional.  You can use it to get a gauge on what the overall state of Outbounding is, but you can also apply the theories and numbers to your own business to see how your team stacks up.  

I’m looking forward to hearing what all of you think, but more importantly I’m looking forward to helping you figure out what your own Outbound Index is.


Outbound Index, B2B Sales Prospecting


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