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Sales Prospecting Perspective Weekly Recap - Week of April 15, 2024


In leiu of recent events here in Boston, I think it makes sense to skip this week's share post and instead focus on the victims of this week's tragedy. Our CEO, Paul Alves, posted earlier this week about the struggle between good and evil and we mentioned a local organization, TUGG (Technology Underwriting Greater Good) who had begun a fundraiser supporting the local victims and families. I wanted to take this opportunity to mention again this great cause as well as invite any of our readers who want to donate to do so. There has been overwhelming support generated and a great sense of community established in this wonderful city many of us call home. Though our community has been rocked by the events that have unfolded, we have created an even stronger bond and sense of resilience that two men alone can not and will not break.Boston Stong, Weekly Recap 4 19

We are Boston Strong!

Monday, April 15, 2024

We began this week with a post from Samantha Goldman who answers the question of whether your inside sales reps are prospecting with too much collateral. She references two of her projects: one with a library full of collateral to provide interested prospects, while her other project has provided very little to no collateral to be used in the prospecting process. Both have their positives and negatives, with the key being what is that happy median? You don't want to arm interested prospects with so much information that they are unwilling to take a call with a product specialist, but you typically need to be able to provide interested prospects with some form of white paper. It's an interesting discussion and I would be curious to hear our reader's thoughts on the proper amount of collateral that should be used in the prospecting process. 

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

This was a tough day for a post with Monday's tragedy still at the forefront of everyone's minds. Paul Alves, our CEO, discussed the constant struggle between good and evil in his post A Good Day For Reflection. I normally would provide a recap of the blog, but would rather you read it in his words. 

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

We have two posts to discuss and recap from Wednesday, the first being our weekly guest post from Nicki Escudero, Social Media and Content Stategist for CX. Nicki provided some great insight into how cloud storage can be used to aid you in sales. She provided six ways: Store and Access client and prospect files from any internet connected device, Collaboration among co-workers in proposal development, Share proposals, contracts and work orders directly with clients, Collaboration with clients on proposals for real-time updates, Easy access to documentation for post-sale service and Gain new prospects anywhere. It was a great post from Nicki that offered our readers a fresh perspective and new insights. 

Our second post of the day was one I wrote discussing the new social buyer's journey. Buyer's are no longer relying on companies to provide information to assist in making a well informed decision; buyer's are now 70% of their way through the buying process before they even engage with companies. Social intelligence has become an integral part of the prospecting process as it provides companies the ability to recognize when it's time to engage with a prospect. So how you incorporate this intelligence into your sales process is the struggle most companies are experiencing. There are both proactive and reactive strategies when it comes to social selling, which one is your organization implementing?

Thursday, April 18, 2024

Our last post of the week was one of my favorites, and it came from Corporate Development Rep Eric Vindigni. Eric had the pleasure of joining many of us in Chicago for last week's AA-ISP Leadership Summit. In his post Are Your Prospecting Strategies Standardized? Eric notices how many of the exhibitors abandoned the fundamentals of prospecting while instructed to work a booth. It was surprising to see so many of the exhibitors expressing a "wait and see" or reactive approach as opposed to proactively looking to engage the attendees in conversation. Eric makes some great points and highlights the similarities between working a both and teleprospecting and I highly recommend checking out his post. 

Thanks for reading this week and remember "We Are Boston Strong"

Here is the link again for anyone looking to donate. 


b2b sales prospecting, prospecting success


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