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Sales Prospecting Perspectives, February 1st - 5th


Wow!  The week (and January?) is already over!?  Man, it seems like it was Monday morning.  Anyways, things were busy here at AG Salesworks this week.  We had a great meeting this week with Mike Damphousse, CEO/CMO of the appointment setting firm Green Leads.  Mike and some of the folks here at AG spent some time sharing thoughts on the state of our industry and how we can better service our respective (and future) customers.  Mike's a great guy with a lot of insight, and we're looking forward to our next meeting with him.

Here's a recap of the blogs that we posted this week:

Monday February 1st 

Use Everything in Your Teleprospecting Quiver - Matt Fitts, one of our DCO's, wrote about the importance of sales prospecting tools and, "leveraging all of these [teleprospecting] tools on every call."

Tuesday February 2nd

Sales Prospecting and Messaging Mistakes - Craig Ferrara, another one of our DCO's, shared his thoughts on messaging mistakes we've learned from over the years.  Craig wrote, "In my opinion, jumping right into the deep end and making calls is truly the most efficient way to determine if your messaging is resonating with your prospects, or alternatively what is falling on deaf ears."

Wednesday February 3rd

How Do You Compensate a B2B Teleprospecting Rep? - AG's President, Pete Gracey, blogged about how to allocate monies to different metric goals for your teleprospecting rep.  "Since 2002, we've done our best to refine the process and I think we may have achieved a keeper with our FY'10 plan."

Thursday February 4th

Benefits of Having Concise Transition Questions - Jaime Miller, Implementation and Training Manager, shared her thoughts on the benefits of having clear transition questions.  Jaime wrote, "Asking a clear transition question will open up the doors of communication and to get the prospect talking about what pains they are experiencing on a daily basis and how they feel about the XYZ solution they are using right now."

Well, that's the weekly recap.  Which post struck a chord with you this week?  Which one did you disagree with?


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