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Sales Prospecting Perspectives

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Sales Prospecting Perspectives, April 26th - April 30th


We had some interesting blog topics this week, to say the least.  I mean, who would have ever thought someone could equate The Wonder Pets with Teleprospecting!?  Somehow, Craig Ferrara found a way.  Anyway, on with the recap:

Sales Prospecting Perspectives, April 12th - 16th


These weeks just fly by, don't they!?  Well, we're two full weeks into Q2 of 2010 - where are you against your goals?  Hopefully ahead of them, right where you want to be!

Sales Prospecting Perspectives, April 5th - 9th


Busy week this week - how about you?  The AG bowling league wrapped up this week.  Congrats to Matt Fitts and Ed O'Neil, who bested the top ranked team of Mark Czarnowski and Steve Giordano!  It was a close match, with both teams having the same score by the end of the first string, but Harley Davidson and the Marlboro Man (as they were aptly called) won the next two strings.  You can check out pics of the bowling league on our Facebook page, here.  While you're there, become a fan!

Sales Prospecting Perspectives, March 29th - April 2nd


Well, this week brought us the close of Q1 2010; it's over.  Done.  Caput.  Finito.  We'll never have it back to do differently.  Maybe that's good for some of us, and maybe for some a repeat performance would be killer.  Either way, the only thing we can do with it now is learn from it's successes or shortcomings.  So, what are YOU going to do with it?

Sales Prospecting Perspectives, March 22nd - 26th


Well, it's Friday, so that means it's time for the weekly recap!  We were at a couple of events this week, which were both very beneficial to attend.  On Tuesday night, we went to a networking event for Paul Castain and his LinkedIn group, The Sales Playbook.  Paul, who is the VP of Sales Development for Consolidated Graphics, is also a sales trainer and an accomplished speaker.  Let me tell you, I can see why people want him to speak and train their sales teams.  He's a great guy and we were able to meet some great folks at the event; the guy is a sales rock star.

Sales Prospecting Perspectives, March 15th - 19th


Well, as I write this, this sun is out shining and most of us here are starting to get Spring fever!  A very busy week was had here at AG, and one of the highlights was a great learning session with the folks from the online contact information experts, NetProspex.  Do you know these guys?  They're the ultimate business to business directory.  They're fantastic folks and having a chance to learn about who they are, and why they do what they do (along with how), was very beneficial.    In case you missed it, they just put out a press release on Tuesday about their database surpassing the 10 million verified business contact mark.

Sales Prospecting Perspectives, February 22nd - 26th


Well, we're just about to close the door on another month.  Looking back on the start of February, we kicked off our year of "winning" and the folks who work with us made sure that we did so in full force.  Our BDR's are uncovering more sales ready opportunities than ever, all because we want our clients to experience more wins than they ever have.  We're very thankful for the organizations who've entrusted us with the mission to bring them sales qualified leads, and we're hoping to ride February's successes right on into March and throughout the rest of the year.  We're also hoping you're finding the start of 2010 as successful as you'd hoped it would be.

Sales Prospecting Perspectives, February 15th - 19th


The older I get, the more amazed I am at how fast time really does fly by.  Here in Massachusetts it's school vacation week, and I'm guessing it may be the same for you.  I remember, as a kid, that school vacation week was the only duration of time that seemed to go by too fast for me!  Regardless, another week has gone by here at AG Salesworks, and with that, another week's worth of blogs!

Sales Prospecting Perspectives, February 8th - 12th


It's been a busy week here at AG Salesworks!  This week, we were proud to announce that our blog, Sales Prospecting Perspectives, has been included on the B2B Marketing Zone website.  The B2B Marketing Zone is, "a collection of blog posts and articles all around B2B Marketing."  We're really excited to be a part of this community, as a large number of other B2B marketing organizations are there, too; a lot of folks that we've learned from and respect.

Sales Prospecting Perspectives, February 1st - 5th


Wow!  The week (and January?) is already over!?  Man, it seems like it was Monday morning.  Anyways, things were busy here at AG Salesworks this week.  We had a great meeting this week with Mike Damphousse, CEO/CMO of the appointment setting firm Green Leads.  Mike and some of the folks here at AG spent some time sharing thoughts on the state of our industry and how we can better service our respective (and future) customers.  Mike's a great guy with a lot of insight, and we're looking forward to our next meeting with him.

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