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Sales Prospecting Perspectives

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Sales Prospecting Perspectives, April 12th - 16th


These weeks just fly by, don't they!?  Well, we're two full weeks into Q2 of 2010 - where are you against your goals?  Hopefully ahead of them, right where you want to be!

We had three great blogs this week, and here are the recaps and links:

Monday April 12th

Sales Prospecting: Who's Helping Your Sales Team? - Our Director of Sales, Chris Lang, wrote an entry for us about why it's important that your sales team have support from a teleprospecting perspective.  Chris shared, "Your outside sales executives are trained to close deals. They identify pain, propose solutions, move a prospect along the sales process and bring a client to a yes or no answer. The sales executive role is a full time position. The teleprospecting role is a full time position. The effectiveness of both is in major jeopardy if you try to pay one person to do both."

Tuesday April 13th

The Laser Focused Teleprospector - Director of Client Operations, Craig Ferrara, wrote about how teleprospectors can be successful at cold calling, but they're going to need to be focused in order to do so.  Craig shared, "So how do we force ourselves to do something that we traditionally gravitate away from? I've discovered the hard way that a half-hearted effort with sporadic calls throughout the day generally did not get me my desired result. What seems to work is taking the time to carve out at least two hours during your day to make dials, otherwise the sporadic and unfocused effort will yield marginal results."

Thursday April 15th

Keep Your Teleprospecting Intro Simple and Effective - Nicole Puddester, a member of our Training and Implementation Team, blogged about four guidelines to help keep your intro simple.  Nicole wrote, "After we prepare our reps (until they are blue in the face!) with scripting and product information, they are beyond eager to get started on the phones.  When they finally get someone live on the phone, all the scripting is thrown out the window.  Let's be honest, using a script isn't the best way to sound unscripted."

Which entry resonated with you the most?  Which one did you disagree with?


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