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It Takes A Whole Village To Raise A Cold Caller


Today, on this lovely Friday, I was inspired by a song a fellow cube neighbor was playing.  The song was the ever popular, “Stand by me”.  Now you may find this sappy, and call it what you may, but I am so lucky to have a group of co-workers that do just that.  The crazy cats I sit with at work lift me from my lows, lend a helping hand and make my victories feel that much more victorious.  Without them, I wouldn’t be the teleprospector you see before you, or the woman I am today.  Okay, I think I took it a little far with that one. Anyway, the point is that the people you surround yourself with can make or break your job, and I am fortunate enough to say they make it for me.Teamwork, Cold Calling, Culture

In an industry such as teleprospecting, it is inevitable that you will come across people who would rather scoop their eyeballs out with a spoon, than talk to you.  It is important not to let this break your spirit! The last thing you want to do is to carry that discouragement with you throughout your next dials.  The way that I power through these hard times is by turning to my colleagues and finding humor in the situation, if I can find it within my broken heart.   Via laughter I can “exhale the negativity” as we say in yoga, and be ready to take on my next call as a clean slate.

My colleagues are also there to guide me when I find myself in a pickle, so to speak.  “How would you respond to this email?” or “When should I follow up with this person?” are questions you will hear floating around our area of the office or “The Neighborhood” as we like to call it.  Being able to relate to one another and sharing what we find works and doesn’t work is something we should always use to our advantage.  We aren’t solo artists out there, people, and I see no “I” in teleprospecting!  Oh wait…

There is no better feeling than when you hang up from a successful conversation and are showered with praise from your peers.   A few examples could be: “Great job, Kira!” or “Wow, Kira! You sure know your stuff!” or even the occasional “You’re my hero” (the last one could be a minor embellishment).  The fact of the matter is we are here for ourselves but also to motivate and keep each other on track.  It’s a good feeling to see your hard work pay off, but a GREAT feeling is being recognized for it.

I think it’s pretty clear that this one goes out to the neighborhood; they are “the air in my tires, the umbrella in my rainstorm.”  Whether it is an unsuccessful call I need cheering up from, or a tough lead I passed that is deserving of a high five, there they are.  My positive demeanor throughout the work day is a result of the amazing culture I am lucky to be a part of.


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