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A Whole New BDR Story

Aladdin, Teleprospecting Tips, Inside Sales 8 3

Kira comes into work on Monday morning, enters her cube and is discouraged to see her inbox is empty yet again! Kira lets out a sigh of defeat.

“What am I going to do?” Kira mutters under her breath.

Suddenly a cloud of blue smog appears accompanied by a loud bang. As the fog clears away a blue figure is floating above her cube with a creepy grin stretched across his face. She attempts to compose herself and barely gets out the words,

“Uhhh, hi. Who are you?

Single And Looking For Leads

Inside Sales, Teleprospecting Tips

I don’t know about you, but nothing gives me a greater sense of satisfaction than when I introduce two people and come to find out it has blossomed into a beautiful relationship. Yes friends, I am referring to my favorite sport, match making. The skill set I have developed throughout my years as a match maker, (I started young) have helped me immensely in the world of teleprospecting. Just as I can help two strangers find love, I can also help a prospect find the software that is a perfect fit for them and their organizations needs. When it comes to matchmaking in teleprospect, most times these individuals don’t even know that this oh-so-perfect solution is out there for them. What they need is a friendly shove from yours truly to point them in the right direction! If they aren’t looking to have any new relationships with software companies right now, I rely on my four trusty matchmaking tips below to let them know, they SHOULD be.

It Takes A Whole Village To Raise A Cold Caller

Teamwork, Cold Calling, Culture

Today, on this lovely Friday, I was inspired by a song a fellow cube neighbor was playing.  The song was the ever popular, “Stand by me”.  Now you may find this sappy, and call it what you may, but I am so lucky to have a group of co-workers that do just that.  The crazy cats I sit with at work lift me from my lows, lend a helping hand and make my victories feel that much more victorious.  Without them, I wouldn’t be the teleprospector you see before you, or the woman I am today.  Okay, I think I took it a little far with that one. Anyway, the point is that the people you surround yourself with can make or break your job, and I am fortunate enough to say they make it for me.

Theater and Teleprospecting: 3 Tips For A Great Performance


Sales Prospecting Perspectives in pleased to bring you a guest post from one of our newer BDRs, Kira Lew

So last night I was sifting through my brain for what I should write about for my AG Blog Debut. This isn’t something I’ve been taking lightly.  Quite frankly, I want to WOW you folks so I can remain in the AG blogger’s Circle of Trust. Finally I settled on the idea that it might be a nice approach to correlate teleprospecting, which is something relatively new to my life, to something I’ve done since I was five years old, Theater! There are so many things that I unknowingly draw from my acting experience and apply to my job here at AG. In the interest of space and your precious time, I have narrowed it down to my top three tips that can be related to both acting and teleprospecting.

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